andean Calca

Trees in the Inca Trail Classic I

3:13 PMUnknown

On the inca trail there are many trees.
these are some species you will see on the first day.

Day One: 

Aliso: (Alnus Jorullencis) ( Betulacea), A beatutiful tree that grows from 33 up to 66 feet. It grows at the adge of rivers and streams. between 8,200 ans 12,460 feet a.s.l. The Incas and spaniards used its large trunks as beams and lintels in buildings. doors, windows and fruit crates are made with its white yellowish wood. Forage for livestock, fertilizers and dyes can be obtained from the leaves.

Capuli: (Prunus Capuli - Serotina) (Rosacea) A Central American tree of 20 or 26 feet high, it is cultivated in the entire Andean region form 7,540 up to 11,480 feet a.s.l. It isfruitful from January to March. Its fruits red to black are adible and delicious. They are used preparation of jam, as dried fruit ans liqueur. The leaves cotain amydalin, they have sedative and cardioregulator properties when boiled. Its wood is water resistant.

Chalanque: (Myrsine Latifolia) (Myrsinacea), tree not commonlyfound. It has a pyramidal shape that grows form 26 up to 39 feet. It ca be fourn in the Cusichaca ravine between 9,180 ans 11,800 feet. a.s.l. Its trunk is large and straight and is used for house and fence building. Its wood is used to made tools for agriculture and Andean utensils.

Huaruma: (Delostoma Integrifolium) (Bignoniacea), A tree that grows from 10up to 13 feet. It only grows near the 88 Km  ot the railroad in the Urubamba Valley and in the Cusichaca ravine between 8,530 and 9,500 feet. a.s.l It is a plant that is not well know, but its likely to turn into an ornamental plant for its flowers. It is good to protect the mountainsides, Its wood is used to make tool handles, wood stick.

Maqui Maqui: (Oreopanax Ischnolobus) (Araliaceas), A tree that grows form 16 up to 26 feet, similar to a palm tree. It grows near water courses. It appeairs in the Cusichaca ravine, between 9,200 and 11,500 feet a.s.l. Its large leaves and the great flowering that covers the branches tips, make this plant likely to become an ornamental plant.

Molle: (Schinus Molle) (Anacardiaceas), A tree of 16 or 26 feet. It grows between 2,600 and 10,500 feeta.s.l. It is beautiful enough to be used as an ornamental plant. Its wood is used in carpentry. Its ashes are used as a tannig product and it is also used to make soap. Honey, vinegar, chicha, tincture and condiments can be made form its fruits. An oil extracted form the leaves is used in perfumes and in the toothpaste industry. The Incas cultivated Molles around Cusco and used its resin to embalm mommies.

Nogal: (Juglans Neotropica) (Junglaniaceas), A tree taht grows form 50 up to 65 feet, between 3,300 and 9850 feet a.s.l. Its wood, dun-blackish colored, is excellent for the cabinet making and guitars manufacturing. From the bark, leaves and fruits can be extracted black and brown dye, used for dying wool. An infusion of the leaves gives a black hair dye. The seeds are edible.

Pisonay: (Erytthrina Edulis) (Fabaceas), A leafy tree grows up 50 feet. It grows from Cajamarca to Cusco and betwenn 4,250 and 11,150 feet a.s.l. Due to its beautiful flowers it is cultivated in squares and avenues, (Pisac, Calca, Yucay, Urubamba), as this plant is native of the high jungle, the Incas acclimatize the Pisonay to the highlands and considered it as sacred the seeds are adible.

Tara: (Caesalpinia spinosa) (Fabacea), A thorny little tree that grows from 6.5 up to 13 feet. It grows all over Peru between 4,900 and 10,150 feet a.s.l. On the dry mountain sides. It flowers from November to February. It is fruitful all teh year. The fruits contain tannin, that is a substance internationally appreciated for the tanning of leather. It is also used to relive throat pain.

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